i might regret making a website as a teen and it being messy and hard to naviagte but i wont regret having had a website or writing this manifesto (more info on those in https://wiki.melonland.net/manifestos and yesterweb.org) i really enjoy having a website. i dont mind that it doesnt have a purpose. i like figuring out what works, what doesnt, and when things really dont work i love being able to just delete that part. i love how impermenant the internet is. another part of me is really sad that no one has a website. it sucks that the internet, a town of billions is reduced to the skyscrapers of social media cus its really not that. if everyone had a website we could go back to that marketplace mindset. everyones ideas should be valued and everyone should be creative and do whatever aesthetic they want on whatever site they want. this is our digital welcome mat. its our digital apartment we can invite whoever we want into. why not make it just that much more interesting than a shitty instagram bio that you cant even change the color of? again, i love this community and the neocities around the world. you guys are great favorites include: melonking.net sugarforbrains.neocities.org anyways. i hate google docs love html it really sucks that the default is no longer independently owned websites.